Friday, September 10, 2010

Happier Post

Okay, so life has been all sorts of crazy lately. I was just looking through my last 10 posts or so, and while they have been a snapshot of life for us, they are kind of sad or dramatic posts. I gotta fix that....

God has been so good and has been taking care of us. Even through the stressful situations, we are still a solid, happy family. We have been having lots of snuggle time and the girls are learning and growing so much! They love taking pictures on PhotoBooth lately, and I wanted to share some funny and sweet pictures of our family! I just love these goofballs! I finally have people as silly as me to hang out with! Woohoo! Here we are...

See? Things are good!! :) We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hangin' In There

Well, we are missing Toby SO bad right now, but are doing okay! God is amazing!

I have to record this story, because (to me), it was truly remarkable...You see, Toby was found to have cancer in his stomach and intestines. This was the reason he was throwing up every single thing he ate. He just couldn't eat anymore.

So after finding out this terrible news, we made the appointment, and frankly I was too sick to my stomach to care about dinner. The toddlers of the house were very interested in dinner, however! So Eric went and got Toby's favorite...french fries and hamburgers. :) Toby didn't get a lot of table scraps anymore, but in his younger years, he LIVED for the occasional dropped french fry.

I gave him 2 french fries as a last meal of sorts. Then Lexi threw a tablespoon-sized chunk of her hamburger to him. Eric and I screamed and tried to grab it, but he got it first. :) I was really nervous he would be sick, but he didn't throw up!! It was such a God thing!

MY sweet baby got a last meal, and it was his absolute favorite! God allowed him that tender and small joy! That may sound crazy to some of you, but Eric and I smiled about that a LOT this weekend. My sweet baby went to bed soooooo happy that night!!

And in the meantime, we have these GORGEOUS faces to keep us smiling...