Sadly, it had been a while since we had gone to church. We do so love our church too! But with 3 sick, one week at a time, and then a weekend vacation, we just hadn't been in a while. So it occurred to me this past Sunday as I was dressing the girls that this would be their first time at church since they had really been walking everywhere. This could only mean 1 thing...the girls first "graduation" of sorts. They would now be in the ONE YEAR OLD WALKERS class!! That to me is huge. Crazy, I know, but in 9 months they will be in the 2 year olds class and then it's off to kindergarten, high school, and then they are gone. :( Isn't that sad?
So I dressed them up cute, gave lots and lots of tight mommy-hugs, and took pictures of my no-longer-babies-growing-up-too-fast, little girls!
Lilly got tired of walking and plopped down in the hallway after breakfast. Isn't she a doll?!
Here is a smile for Daddy after Lexi walked by and ripped her hairbow out!
Miss Lexi climbed up on the couch to hug her new favorite lamb...
This is now what you get from Lexi when you ask her to say, "Cheese!" Such a big girl!
On Monday, we spent a lot of time playing. Toby is feeling tons better. He has been begging for food and eats about 5-6 times a day right now...YEA!! Lexi took this opportunity to lean in and scare the poor dog to death by giving him a HUGE kiss right on his nose! She was soooooo proud of herself for kissing him. :)

Later that afternoon, Lexi went into her bedroom and closed the door on me..this is a very common occurrence. So, I checked on Lilly again and could hear Lexi giggling in her room. I knew exactly what she was doing (standing on the other side of the door holding the door shut), so I left her alone for about 1 minute. Then she stopped giggling at the door. When I went in to check on her, this is what I saw. Awww!!!

Later that night, we went to the park across the street from our house. It was the girls first time at our park as "walkers". We have been spending our "swing" time at home since it has been so hot. So we put on the pink sneakers, and loaded them into the car. They still LOVE to swing together and still fit in 1 baby swing. :)
Here is Lexi...all smiles and giggles!!

I love the sun shining through the tree!

Miss Lilly smiling for me! She was all smiles too, but was harder to get to look at me. She was very interested in the other Daddy pushing his son next to her. :)

Lilly wanted us to pick her back up...still not sure what to do with the slide. It made her nervous. Lexi didn't care either first!

Lilly loved walking all around. She also liked to hold Eric's hand after falling down on those wood chips so much.

Checking out the wood chips...The first time Lexi put one in her mouth, I took it out and said, "Ewww!!" I told her we couldn't eat those. Then for the rest of the time we were there, if she fell down, she would yell, "Ewwww!!" and dust off her hands.

This is my favorite one of Lexi...

Lilly checking it all out...

Playground, here I come!

When we left, Lexi decided that she LOVED to long as I held onto her!

It has been a great week so far, and it's only Tuesday! Yea for good weeks! I really needed one!