Lexi wanted Eric to wrap up her "Sheepy" a few weeks back and it stuck...she now wants Sheepy to be swaddled a LOT. I usually swaddle her, and then Lexi shakes her out of the blanket and wants me to "wrap up" again. After about 10 times, I usually try to distract her with something else.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Broken, Doctor Riser!
Lexi has been really dramatic and emotional the last few days. I was wondering if she was sick, so I kept asking her lots of questions to see if I could figure out was wrong. She had been pulling on her diaper and had a slightly runny nose. Other than that, she didn't have too many obvious symptoms. On Wednesday night, she was sitting in my lap throwing a big fit. I asked her what was wrong and she told me, "Broken, Mommy! Dr. Riser!" Since I couldn't find anything on her that was truly broken but I figured that was her way of telling me she didn't feel good.
So Thursday morning, we paid a visit to Dr. Riser. And what do you know....Lexi had an ear infection and a yucky nose (that IS the technical term, by the way;)) She also had another yeast infection, bless her little heart!
However, I want to tell everyone my favorite part of the whole day. It was the way my sweet little Lilly took care of her sister. When we got to the clinic, I set the girls down in a couple of chairs in the waiting room and walked up to the counter to check in. Lexi immediately fell apart crying and ran to me. When we sat back down, Lilly scooted over and started gently rubbing Lexi's back. She knew exactly why we were there and how to comfort her sister.
When we went back to weigh Lexi, she was scared and didn't want to get on the scale. Lilly jumped up on the scale all excited and showed Lexi that it was cool and not scary. Then Lexi was willing to jump up there too.
In the exam room, Lilly REALLY wanted to be examined. She kept asking me to put her on the table so she could "lay down". She kept asking me to "listen heart" and "look ears". She was so excited to be examined. When Dr. Riser came in, Lilly got her wish. When Lexi resisted having her ears checked, Lilly was all kinds of willing. It was as if she was showing Lexi that it was going to be okay and wouldn't hurt. The whole time we were there, Lilly supported and comforted Lexi. I just love seeing this side of their relationship.
So to reward Lilly for being sweet and give Lexi a treat to cheer her up, we headed to Chick-Fil-A and shared a peach milkshake! I think it did the trick!
When we got home, they got to have their grape-flavored tongue depressors that are their favorite reward for behaving for Dr. Riser. Of course I took some pictures of them sucking on them and trading them back and forth. :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Little Girls
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Week Update
It has been quite a week and weekend. Eric was sick for a couple of days and the girls and I tried to stay out of his hair. We have been getting things ready for our trip when we remembered that Sneezy does not travel well at all. So we called the vet and got all set up to get Sneezy some sedatives for the drive and his one lacking vaccine. Eric takes him in and he squirms out of his collar. Next thing you know, our dog darts out the front door and onto the road...a 4 lane, very busy road. It took 1 hour, Eric, 2 veterinarians, 4 vet techs, and 4 soldiers stopping traffic on the road, to get him back into the clinic. Then he cut his paw and had to get all bandaged up. :( I was really starting to wonder what had happened to them since they were gone so long and the clinic is 4 minutes away. Then Eric walked in holding this poor, poor, pouty face....
I wanted to post this for my friend's Carrie and Chris. Please pray that their beautiful girls grow and thrive so they can go home soon...."The twins are HERE! Baby A - Kendra came in at 7:40 pm weighing 3 lbs 11 oz 18 inches long. Baby B - Kathryn came at 7:41 pm weighing in at 3 lbs 10 oz 17 1/4 inches long. They are in the NICU but are doing well for for being 31 wk babies."
The girls are now off of the CPAP machines after about 4 days...amazing! God is good!
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