Friday, August 8, 2008

Christie and Girls Come Visit

Aunt Christie and her 4 girls were finally able to make the 16 hour drive from Arizona to visit us and meet the girls! We had a lot of fun catching up and I was even able to go shopping for a while with all the girls while Daddy watched the babies. Yea! I bought the new Weezer cd too! Here are some great pictures that Eric took last night.

Cousin Taylor holding Lexi

Cousin Cheyenne holding Lilly

Cousin Brianna holding Lexi

Aunt Christie and Cousin Ashley give the girls their bottles.

Just hanging out and playing with the girls

Ashley and Brianna play with Lilly

Thursday, August 7, 2008

New Outfits

I just can't resist some of the adorable outfits that I find for the girls...especially if they are inexpensive. I found these little dresses at WalMart and they can be worn as separates or together. I know this is a girl thing, but I LOVE that, and even though they are a little big, the girls will grow into them!
I fed the girls this morning and tried to keep them awake for a few pictures, but it didn't work so well as you can see. At least I got one of Lexi's eyes open. :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Just for Dad

I understand that my father is bummed by the lack of a Wednesday blog update. So here it is...all for the love of my dad!! :)

My girls fit into newborn diapers now! They have been in preemies since birth and today, they finally fit into the newborn size! WooHoo!! :) There you go Dad! Goodnight!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Love of Twins

My husband, darling as he is, hates to grocery shop. I can't blame him. So yesterday I ran to the store real quick to get some stuff for dinner. The girls were due for a bottle at 4 pm and I got home at 4:15. Eric has no problem feeding them by himself, but it isn't terribly easy to do sometimes. I am so grateful and thankful that he is such a phenomenal father!

The pictures above are what I came home to find...he had given Lilly her bottle first and burped her while feeding Lexi. Then when Lilly was asleep, he picked Lexi up to burp her and Lexi put her arm around her little sis. Aren't they the cutest little sisters!

The next funny story...I just have to share this one! Most of you reading this know how it is when you are completely exhausted and up in the middle of the night feeding a baby! Well, I had thrown one of my gray t-shirts on top of Eric's dirty clothes last night so I could take them all to the laundry today. At 1 am, I woke Eric up to help me with the girls and it was kind of cold in here. So he grabbed a shirt off the floor and put it was mine.

I don't think I have laughed that hard in weeks!! We each had a baby and when I looked up at Eric, I noticed that he was wearing my shirt. I about died!!! I asked him why he was wearing my shirt and he said he thought something was wrong. It was about 4 inches too short and had cutesy little cropped sleeves. I laughed so hard that I woke up Lexi in my arms. It was hysterical! I grabbed the camera and took a picture as he dove to hide but since I adore and love my husband, it will promptly be deleted and never shown to anyone. I thought about posting it though! :) Hope you are all having a great day!


Monday, August 4, 2008

Baby Cries

I cannot for the life of me, remember all the little nursery rhymes or lullabies that I knew as a kid. So, I was "googling" nursery rhymes and I saw this video for "Reading Your Baby's Cries". I watched it not thinking it would be very informative, but it was pretty cool! It has now been 2 days and Eric and I really think this lady may know what she is talking has been true with our girls. I can't always tell the difference between their cries, but if I listen very carefully, I can usually tell the difference.

Here is a link to the clip...very interesting!! I wish I had seen this a few weeks ago. Of course, there is still the issue of comforting them and making them stop crying, but no one said parenting was easy! :)

Well, I see two squirmy little feet over in a bouncer, so I better go! I'll post pictures later.