Monday, August 4, 2008

Baby Cries

I cannot for the life of me, remember all the little nursery rhymes or lullabies that I knew as a kid. So, I was "googling" nursery rhymes and I saw this video for "Reading Your Baby's Cries". I watched it not thinking it would be very informative, but it was pretty cool! It has now been 2 days and Eric and I really think this lady may know what she is talking has been true with our girls. I can't always tell the difference between their cries, but if I listen very carefully, I can usually tell the difference.

Here is a link to the clip...very interesting!! I wish I had seen this a few weeks ago. Of course, there is still the issue of comforting them and making them stop crying, but no one said parenting was easy! :)

Well, I see two squirmy little feet over in a bouncer, so I better go! I'll post pictures later.

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