Well it looked like it was going to be a nice quiet weekend. We were going to have rain and just hang out together. That all came true, but one thing we did not anticipate were the fevers. :( We went out and had a fun Saturday morning. After lunch we were hanging out in the living room enjoying the thunderstorms, when Lexi suddenly had a glossy look in her eyes and got really quiet. She crawled up in my lap and said, "I ready to go back to bed, Mom." It was 5:30 pm. Then I noticed how hot she was...102.7℉. The rest of our evening was a bit different than planned. We are now cycling through temps anywhere from 100.8 to 103.7℉. It has been a weekend of cold baths, popsicles, motrin and tylenol. Thankfully she is sleeping, eating, and drinking really well. I just wish we were closer to our pediatrician. Lilly had a slight temp, but it went down immediately and has not come back.
So we had a nice (and exhausting) weekend at home. We watched some tv while snuggling on the air mattress in the living room...
Lilly is on the left in these pictures...I loved all the facial expressions in these pictures, so I had to include tons of them.

Lexi finished hers first and was soooooooo excited when Lilly dropped her last chunk and she nabbed it from her sister. I don't think Lilly even noticed.

The only one that they posed for...

Then they started painting each other with fudge. It was in their hair, on their backs, all over their legs...good stuff! The funniest part was how they didn't seem bothered. Usually, they freak out when they get food on their hands or faces. Halfway through the meal they want their hands wiped. But not today...this was too much fun for wiping off!

Sticky babies...
Now bathing them in cooler water to bring down fevers is pretty miserable for all involved. These girls like warm baths. So we just told them that we were going to go swimming in the tub so the water might be colder than normal. They had a blast! I love this picture of Lilly smiling at her reflection...
Have a great week everyone!