I worked as a lab manager/lab technician for the microbiologist at Baylor after finishing my Master's degree. I LOVED that job! There were stressful, boring, or tiring days just like with any other job in the world, but I had so much fun working with Michelle and Samir and the other people who came and went from our lab. I might have worked there longer, but we ran out of grant money (which paid my salary) and God had other things in store for me!
I got to help Michelle and Samir work on a cool project for a lot of my time in the lab dealing with E. coli. We collected and grew a lot of that special little bacteria. :) It is, to this day, my favorite little guy...well, as long as it is in a petri dish!
On one of my last days working in the lab, there were some agar plates that needed to be used up, so Michelle and I had a little bit of fun with them....sure, go ahead and call us nerds, but it was truly fun!! The agar on some of the plates was specifically made for E. coli, in that only, that bacteria grew blue on the plate. So here are some pictures of the plates that we made...we drew farm animals and wrote our names on the plates...These pictures make me laugh so much! I miss you, Michelle!!!

And in one last note, I want to share another one of my favorite things with everyone. Some of you may not know about these little guys...www.giantmicrobes.com. They are so cool! I now have about 6 or 7 and definitely need to get lots more. I got "gangrene" for Christmas this year. Please don't think I am crazy, but I have them displayed in our guest bathroom on the window sill. The girls recently noticed them. Now, everytime we go into that bathroom, the girls can't take their eyes off of them. They want to play with them, but I just can't seem to come to grips with the thought of handing "ebola" to my daughters to play with! :) :)
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