Monday, June 29, 2009

A Momma and Her Girls

Today Eric's class was cancelled, so the 4 of us got to hang out together all day. The girls were super cuddly for a while before their morning nap, so I used that time as an excuse to take pictures of the girlies. Lexi wasn't all that interested in posing for the camera, but my little Lilly would smile at the camera and say "cheese!" with me!

Here is Lexi trying not to act interested...

Silly girls... Lilly and Mommy hamming it up...

Lovely baby...

Daddy took a few with all three of his girls!! Lilly is wearing the green and Lexi is wearing the red...

I look a little nuts in this one, but this was what Eric got as both girls decided to squirm out of my arms and go play with their toys was a funny moment and I thought I would share anyway!

1 comment:

Eric said...

Your babies are soooo beautiful!