Last week, we had to buy the girls some new shoes (AGAIN!!) and after getting them some cute tennis shoes, I realized that they might need some flip-flops for going to the pool and the beach this summer. So we went to Children's Place for their 2 for $5 sale. Well the manager of the store is a sweet girl and friend of a friend. So naturally, she gave the girls some stickers. :)
They were having the absolute best time with the stickers, that I got into my sticker stash when we got home. We probably spent 35 minutes decorating and re-decorating ourselves with stickers. The girls loved sticking them to my nose and chin. Lilly was more into than Lexi, but Lexi still had a blast. Lilly couldn't get enough on her face and kept looking down cross-eyed to see the daisy on her nose. :) I HAVE to buy more stickers!
Eric walked in from school only to find us sitting on the fireplace with stickers all over our faces. So we attacked him with stickers too!
Lilly Anne...
Afterwards, I tried their swimsuits on them and had them go hug Daddy and tell him they were ready for swimming and summertime. They were both shouting quite loudly, "Ready for summer, Daddy!" I think they are ADORABLE in their little swimsuits.
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