When I was a student at UMHB, I babysat for the coolest family. I have missed them terribly over the years and love getting to see them every so often. When I first met them, the twins, Kate and Ryan, were 6 months old...they are now 9!! Peyton was 2.5 years old and will be 12 in November!! How did that happen so fast??...of course, that is also what Eric and I say when we realize we are going to be 30 on our next birthdays!! :(
So today, Kem and the three kiddos stopped by to bring the girls birthday presents. It was soooooo nice to see them and just hang out with them for a while. I had to take a picture with all of them. I used to say that I was going to go play with my Peyton and my twins!! Now that I really do have my own twins, it is really cool to see them all together!

From left to right: Kate with Lilly, Peyton, and Lexi with Ryan
Lexi playing in her new tutu before bathtime!
Then came time for dinner...I think I may have mentioned once or twice before how AWESOME my husband is, and I need to do it again. Eric has to have meat with a meal or it isn't a real meal...so weird! :) So when we went to HEB yesterday, I let him pick out some good meats for meals. He picked these sausages as an option. He volunteered to grill them for me...even in 100 degree heat, and they were amazing!! They were turkey sausages with spinach and feta cheese and were made by HEB...for those of you without this grocery store chain, I feel sorry for you!! It is the best!!! :)
So after a crazy day with 2 semi-fussy/grumpy babies, my sweet husband went out in the heat and made us some dinner. We just wrapped them in tortillas and YUM!!! I just loaded the dishwasher...I LOVE HIM!!!! Thanks, honey!!

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