Ever since Nana (Eric's momma) cheered for the girls when they put on their sunglasses, they have been wearing them a lot more. Here is Lexi showing off her glamorous pajama look!!

Lexi now likes to hold onto Eric's face when he is trying to set her on his shoulders...it's a bit awkward for him. :)

The girls take time everyday to lounge in their big girl chairs! These are a HUGE hit...thanks, Mike and Holly!!
And last but not least, this was the twins "big" birthday gift from Eric and I!! It was actually quite the find on craigslist and was just barely used...we only have a tree in the front yard, so we put it up and Voila!!
The girls LOVE to swing, so here they are enjoying some shade today. I also got a little video of them with their big smiles!! :)

Have a great week everyone!!
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