We have been soooooo busy lately. It's been a blast!
First, I have an announcement...are those training pants I see??
I am having a hard time keeping diapers on these 2 little girls lately. They now take off their pants and diapers, throw them on the ground, and beg to go potty. They mostly like to wash their hands and pretend to go potty, but we have had a few successes and it's getting exciting. A little scary for me, but still exciting!
We've also been having lots of Easter fun! Eric and I took the girls to their first Easter egg hunt on Good Friday, and then to their 2nd Easter egg hunt today. They did not enjoy standing in the sun for 10 minutes, being told they couldn't run onto the field for those pretty eggs. They almost got grumpy about it, but then they saw the Easter Bunny!! They screamed with excitement. The girls were extra sweet about not running over the other kids too. They were so happy every time they got to pick up an egg and put it in their basket/bucket.
At first they just couldn't stop talking about the easter bunny, but then they saw all the kids and got a bit giggly. I love how they hold hands with their Daddy!
Lilly going for more...

This was while she was singing...look how happy she is (she's on the right)!!
Did I mention that the local egg hunt was at our new community park and softball fields? Maybe Lilly is dreaming about playing softball one day!
The girls then got to sit in the Easter Bunny's lap for a few pictures (note the new blog header photo). They were so happy. I even bumped Lilly in the head with the camera right before it was our turn, and she was crying pretty hard. I asked her if she wanted to wait another minute until she felt better, or if she was okay. She looked up with a sob, spotted that bunny waving at her again, and giggled. All better!!
The evening was already perfect...or so we thought! When we got home, Eric checked the mail and what do you suppose was in there? Well take a look!

My sweet friend Jessica sent these darling little bunnies for the girls. At first they thought they were chocolate and Lexi licked hers. Ha ha ha!! Now they fight over them and just adore them!!
Well we hope you all have a wonderful Easter tomorrow! Enjoy your families and celebrate the holiday that is about WAY more than just eggs, bunnies, and chocolate! God bless!
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