I wanted to make it sooooooooooo bad but didn't want to go buy more stuff. Trust me, I go to Hobby Lobby enough. Just ask my children. :) Since I have been making felt play food and all sorts of other fun Christmas goodies, I told Eric that if I could make the turkey shirts without spending a penny, then I would make them. If not, I would wait until next year.
I did it!! It was fast and easy. All I did was follow the tutorial found at the above address, but I used felt and ribbon instead of material. I couldn't decide what I wanted to use, so I cut out tons of different colored feathers and tried lots of different looks....

This is the cutest ribbon. I found it a few weeks ago and had to get it! I just cute feathers out of the ribbon and heat-sealed the edges with a lighter so it wouldn't fray later.
I finally decided on this arrangement...I laid it on the t-shirts to see how it would look. The orange and purple felt is actually glitter felt. It just gives it that extra girlie-something...
Once I decided it was perfect, I put the Wonder Under (fabric heat-seal adhesive stuff) on the backs of my pieces and got the iron ready...

I am so excited that I could make these for the girls! They ask every day if they can wear them yet. Oh, and the t-shirts are the same ones that the girls wore for their Halloween outfits. I just removed their initials and re-used the shirts. :) Yea! Check out that tutorial and go have some fun!!
very good work Sarah and yes they are adorable can't wait to see them on your little turkeys:)
I'm so glad you posted this! If I can find some spare time I plan on making both girls one using shirts/onesies that they already have. Thanks for sharing! We miss you guys...
Did you use wonder under you could sew? Cute turkeys, i love them!!!
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