Sunday, May 17, 2009

Papa with His Girls

My Dad was able to drop in for a few hours the other day. I was sooooo excited! The girls were napping when he got here, so when he burst (sweetly) into their room to say hi when they woke up, there were a few tears at first. The girls quickly realized that Papa Epps was funny and they really liked him!
He helped me feed them their lunch and then we just played for a while before he had to head back up the road. He took a few pictures of them while they played and I was able to snap a few too...Enjoy!!
Starin' at that silly Papa Epps!
Lexi says, "Hmmmmm, Papa, are those my peas?"

Lilly and Mommy were just chilling out...

Lexi kept flirting...I love this picture. It shows how unruly, long, and cute their hair is getting!

Still flirting!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh that picture of Lexi is adorable! Those eyes, those dimples, that smile, yall may have your hands full :-) Thanks for the pictures Sarah!