It hit me today that my girls will be 6 months old in two weeks...that's crazy!! Weren't they just born?! :) So I thought it was time to tell you all a few more things about my girls...
1.) They both love to smile.
2.) When you show them their favorite toys, their eyes get soooooo big and they squeal with delight.
3.) They are fascinated with their feet, but Lexi plays with hers more than Lilly.
4.) They have a special place in their hearts for Daddy!! I am so thankful that Eric has been able to help out with them so much and spend such great quality time bonding with them. You should see their faces light up when he comes home from school or sings them a goofy song that he made up just for them. :)
5.) Lilly's new thing is to suck in her bottom lip, pop it out, and make a little noise. She has been doing this for a few weeks now and LOVES to do this...we took many, many shots at the portrait studio yesterday trying to get her smile and not her sucking in that little lip. Lilly also started to gasp with her mouth wide open when she is surprised or excited.
6.) Lexi loves to squeal at the top of her lungs for no apparent reason. She just sits there and squeals.
7.) Lexi also loves to blow spit bubbles and make funny noises at the same time.
8.) They only really cry and fuss when they are sleepy or hungry.
9.) They adore each other...always holding hands or one trying to comfort one if the other is crying.
10.) They are starting to show more and more personality differences.
a.) Lexi was born first by 2 minutes...and while the birth order books say that first born twins may both show "first born" personalities, Lexi is definitely starting to act more like the big sister. If Lilly cries, Lexi often tries to hold her hand or rub her face in some way...just so sweet!
b.) Lexi also seems to want to cuddle and hug more than Lilly the past few weeks.
c.) Lilly has been wanting to stand up and crawl BADLY lately. The other day, she fussed if I didn't hold her up so she could stand on her feet and bounce off the floor.
d.) Lilly seems to be more serious than Lexi sometimes...some days, she is just as silly, but Lexi seems to look for reasons to laugh lately, while Lilly looks all serious, while deciding if it really funny enough to laugh at or not.
11.) They both love to kick their feet furiously when they are excited.
12.) They can propel themselves forward about 3-6 inches when on tummy time by just kicking their feet a lot.
13.) Lilly automatically rolls over on her back when I put her on tummy time. She also ALWAYS rolls to the right. If her sister is in the way, she will roll onto Lexi and then fuss at her to move.
14.) Lexi always tries to roll onto her belly from her back. If she is fussing while trying to go to sleep, she will try and roll to her belly. We have started placing Lilly on the left side of Lexi in their crib, because she always rolls to her left.
15.) They will turn towards your voice and look at you from across the room when you speak to them.
16.) They LOVE it when the dogs come up to them and sniff them. They are also learning how to properly pet them and not just grab chunks of hair and pull it. It is sweet...Toby just runs away if he sees a hand coming towards him, but Sneezy will stay still even if they start to pull his hair. Sneezy also likes to sit down by them and lick their toes to say hello! :)
17.) They both put everything in their mouths...teddy bears, my hair, blankets, etc...
18.) They are still sleeping through the night and are only taking tiny catnaps during the day, but we don't care...10 hours at night and mommy is not going to complain.
19.) They are now consistenly taking more time between meals. We are now about 4 hours between each meal. :)
20.) They are showing more assertiveness in their occasional fit throwing...when they want to squirm out of your arms, good luck holding the slippery little girls!
21.) They drool everywhere!!
22.) Their grasp is like a steel trap. I had to enlist Eric's help the other day when Lexi grabbed my hair. I couldn't get it loose and was ready to cry with pain. She wanted to chew on it.
23.) They are just more and more of a delight to Eric and I...they grow up so fast!!
1.) They both love to smile.
2.) When you show them their favorite toys, their eyes get soooooo big and they squeal with delight.
3.) They are fascinated with their feet, but Lexi plays with hers more than Lilly.
4.) They have a special place in their hearts for Daddy!! I am so thankful that Eric has been able to help out with them so much and spend such great quality time bonding with them. You should see their faces light up when he comes home from school or sings them a goofy song that he made up just for them. :)
5.) Lilly's new thing is to suck in her bottom lip, pop it out, and make a little noise. She has been doing this for a few weeks now and LOVES to do this...we took many, many shots at the portrait studio yesterday trying to get her smile and not her sucking in that little lip. Lilly also started to gasp with her mouth wide open when she is surprised or excited.
6.) Lexi loves to squeal at the top of her lungs for no apparent reason. She just sits there and squeals.
7.) Lexi also loves to blow spit bubbles and make funny noises at the same time.
8.) They only really cry and fuss when they are sleepy or hungry.
9.) They adore each other...always holding hands or one trying to comfort one if the other is crying.
10.) They are starting to show more and more personality differences.
a.) Lexi was born first by 2 minutes...and while the birth order books say that first born twins may both show "first born" personalities, Lexi is definitely starting to act more like the big sister. If Lilly cries, Lexi often tries to hold her hand or rub her face in some way...just so sweet!
b.) Lexi also seems to want to cuddle and hug more than Lilly the past few weeks.
c.) Lilly has been wanting to stand up and crawl BADLY lately. The other day, she fussed if I didn't hold her up so she could stand on her feet and bounce off the floor.
d.) Lilly seems to be more serious than Lexi sometimes...some days, she is just as silly, but Lexi seems to look for reasons to laugh lately, while Lilly looks all serious, while deciding if it really funny enough to laugh at or not.
11.) They both love to kick their feet furiously when they are excited.
12.) They can propel themselves forward about 3-6 inches when on tummy time by just kicking their feet a lot.
13.) Lilly automatically rolls over on her back when I put her on tummy time. She also ALWAYS rolls to the right. If her sister is in the way, she will roll onto Lexi and then fuss at her to move.
14.) Lexi always tries to roll onto her belly from her back. If she is fussing while trying to go to sleep, she will try and roll to her belly. We have started placing Lilly on the left side of Lexi in their crib, because she always rolls to her left.
15.) They will turn towards your voice and look at you from across the room when you speak to them.
16.) They LOVE it when the dogs come up to them and sniff them. They are also learning how to properly pet them and not just grab chunks of hair and pull it. It is sweet...Toby just runs away if he sees a hand coming towards him, but Sneezy will stay still even if they start to pull his hair. Sneezy also likes to sit down by them and lick their toes to say hello! :)
17.) They both put everything in their mouths...teddy bears, my hair, blankets, etc...
18.) They are still sleeping through the night and are only taking tiny catnaps during the day, but we don't care...10 hours at night and mommy is not going to complain.
19.) They are now consistenly taking more time between meals. We are now about 4 hours between each meal. :)
20.) They are showing more assertiveness in their occasional fit throwing...when they want to squirm out of your arms, good luck holding the slippery little girls!
21.) They drool everywhere!!
22.) Their grasp is like a steel trap. I had to enlist Eric's help the other day when Lexi grabbed my hair. I couldn't get it loose and was ready to cry with pain. She wanted to chew on it.
23.) They are just more and more of a delight to Eric and I...they grow up so fast!!
Where did they get their pictures taken? We took Maddie on saturday to portriat innovations in H.H.'s in that new shopping center. they turned out so cute. The girls sound like they are so much fun! I agress with #18, maddie catnaps too, but if i get my sleep at night i don't care!!! Oh yeah-the highchairs are great-i'm so glad u found 2!
We went to Sears and was just disappointed...so much money for so little. The pics turned out great, but we had to wait almost an hour and a half and then most of the poses were on their tummy which I do at home...I guess I was just grumpy by the time we finished. I can't wait to see Maddie's!!
We went to Sears and was just disappointed...so much money for so little. The pics turned out great, but we had to wait almost an hour and a half and then most of the poses were on their tummy which I do at home...I guess I was just grumpy by the time we finished. I can't wait to see Maddie's!!
You're doing such a great job with them! BTW I posted a pic from the game on my latest blog.
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