So we stayed in, so as not to infect anyone else or make her feel worse. We had a nice day at home for Easter this year. Getting the girls to take pictures together is almost impossible right now, since all they do is move!! But after playing in our jammies, I put them in cute little dresses and we took a couple of pictures. I bought them a Nursery Rhyme book as their Easter gift. I like it a lot, especially since it is made of hard cardboard pages that will not get ruined by the licking of little tongues. :)
Here is the only pic I could get with bunny ears on Lexi's head. They WILL NOT leave them on and there was no way that I could get a picture with both of them in the bunny ears. :) They would pull them off themselves, or off of each other, and then try to eat them!!

Lilly is checking out her new book!!

Lilly is on the left and Lexi on the right...they got the lambs from their Great-grandmother when they were first born!

Lexi is finally getting her first tooth...remember that blog back in November announcing her first 2 teeth?...well...apparently the little white/pink swellings on her gums were not related to teething. For 2 days, she fussed like she was teething and even felt better with Orajel. Then the swellings went down and there were no teeth. The doctor said it was just her gums doing something weird and it was nothing to worry about. Now, she is not terribly fussy...but there is definitely a little white tooth under her gums and it is thinking about poking through soon. I bet she will cut it in the next 2 days. She has been waking up early in the morning wanting to snuggle. So I am really tired these days. I am still getting up every night to pump and then when Lexi gets up at 5:30 with sore gums, I get very little sleep. Here she is, in all her beauty!! :)

Eric found him as a little tiny fish at WalMart. He was not labeled and there was no price, but he was so cute and they gave it to him for $4.00. He has almost tripled in size now. The other night, he ate 6 of our new neon tetras, within like half an hour. He still looks pregnant! I told Eric that he had been freaking me out and had been doing some weird things lately with his mouth. Of course, he thought I was being silly.
After the savage fish attack, we did some googling and figured out what kind he was...we also discovered that he was a semi-aggressive carnivore. :) :) So, our bigger fish are safe, but he clearly intends to eat all of our other ones. He is a Spotted Climbing Perch, a Ctenopoma. YOu can read all about them here:
I would like to give him to someone who desires to feed him what he needs to be healthy and thrive. I do not want to feed him the stuff he needs and feel awful that my cute tiny guys were eaten, 2 hours after bringing them home...poor babies!! If you want him, let us know! Thanks!!

1 comment:
The fish would freak me out, too...we need to get our babies together:)
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