Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Conversation

Mommy - What's this number?

Lexi - 3

Mommy - Good job! What about this number?

Lexi - 7

Mommy - Yea! Good job, Lexi! What about this one?

Lexi - 4

Mommy - Yep, good job! And this one?

Lexi - Ummm, ummm, ummmmm (all while staring at the #2)

Mommy - How old are you? It's that same number.

Lexi - I'm Lexi, Mommy!

Mommy - Yes you are, but how old are you?

Lexi - I'm Lexi! I'm Lexi!

Mommy - Yes, your name is Lexi, but you are also 2 years old! It's a two.

Lexi, slightly looking annoyed, says with a lot of feeling - "Ohhhhhhh, Dear!!" Then she puts her palm over her face and groans and goes to play with a different puzzle.


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