At Shangri La, there is a natural heronry...with a bird blind for photography. Now at this point, we had been walking for almost a mile and the girlies were super tired. Most of these pictures were taken with a squirmy Lilly on my hip. :) So Eric helped out a bit and took some of these too. I could tell you more about this place, but the pictures explain it better....
The black bird is a juvenile Anhinga who was stirring up trouble. :)

These guys are Double-Crested Cormorants. We have them in Central Texas too...

The rest of these beautiful birds are Great Egrets, Cattle Egrets, and a few Roseate can't miss those guys!

The Great Egret...

The Roseate's are GORGEOUS!! I will never forget the time in college, when I was on my Ornithology field trip, and stood on the beach watching a flock of hundreds of these bright pink birds soar over the water and land on the beach.

This was the coolest nest, I think....the 2 babies occasionally poked their heads up to look around at everything!

1 comment:
Email me and I will add you to my blog! Love the new pictures and I hope yall are settling in now. Melissa
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