I'm sure I'll post more tonight, but I am still editing a bunch of party photos right now...so here are the stats for their 2 year checkup!!
Lilly weighed in at 27 lbs, 6 ozs. and measured 36 inches!! This means the girl is an inch and a half taller than I was at her age. :)
Lexi weighed in at 28 lbs, 6 ozs. and measured 36.5 inches!! Wow!!
Our pediatrician said that at the age of 2, you can double the child's height to see how tall they will be at 18. She said that 80% of the time, this trick is correct. I checked my baby book and it is true for me! How crazy would that be if the girls ended up 6' tall! I hope they like being tall!
The rest of their check up went great! They showed off their silly side for Dr. Riser and didn't even flinch at their shot. They just KNEW that the princess stickers and grape-flavored tongue depressors were coming up! :)
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