We have had a wonderful Valentines Day. I can't imagine life with these three amazing goobers!
My Furry Valentine...what a cutie, right? :)

This morning, the girls got up and found some Valentines stickers and bracelets on the table waiting for them. The girls and I enjoyed some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and milk for lunch...
Then after dinner, Eric set up the Valentines presents that he ordered for us. He is so thoughtful! He got 3 separate gifts for his girls. He got Lexi these gorgeous orchids. She was impressed...
He got Lilly these orchids in the pretty teacup...totally her style.
He got me a little box of chocolates, a sweet little bear, and these pretty flowers on the left side of the picture. Aren't they lovely?!! My friends got me those beautiful tulips today. I am such a lucky girl!!

And on a slightly different note, Lexi and I went on a date last night to get some panties for potty training. Lilly has been fully and happily potty trained since the beginning of January. Lexi is going to need a different kind of motivation. So, we got some cute panties and had an ice cream cone. We'll give it a shot and see what we can do. Beautiful little ice cream chin...

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