Then at 19 weeks, when we had the first sonogram and saw 2 little girls, we had no clue what to do for the names. After a few days, we decided to take our favorite name apart and find one more good first and one more good middle name. Eric's Mom's middle name is Ann and we thought that went so nice with Lilly. It also means "grace, favour". So now we had Lilly Anne.
We took a while to put a name in front of Kathryn. I was driving to work one morning and it hit me. I called Eric from work and he had thought of a name too. It was the same name, Alexis! I of course, picked it because it was so pretty and we could call them Lilly & Lexi. Eric liked it because the Kentucky Wildcats were in Lexington, KY and he could call her his little Lexi Cat. Only a man would choose his daughter's name based on his favorite basketball team. :) Alexis means, "Helper, Defender".
So now we had it...Lilly Anne and Alexis Kathryn. Gorgeous and perfect in every way to us!!
I am having a much harder time figuring out what to name this one if it's a girl. Boy names are easy. I love quite a few of them and the hard part will be narrowing them down to one name. But girl names are proving to be super difficult. I like quite a few of them, but I am not necessarily in love with their meanings. And I just can't pick a favorite.
We have no plans of any certain letter starting the name. Now that being said, we happen to like several L names and since people forget that Lexi is actually Alexis, we have had people assume we will pick another L name. Who knows! We will pick the name that means the most to Eric and I and will be a treasured name for our sweet baby.
Until the decision...
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