We are busy, busy, busy. I feel like all I have done this month is pack boxes, move boxes, and clean. I am rather tired of cleaning baseboards. :)
We will be closing on the house this Friday and then the moving begins. Our house is up for rent with a great rental company and should hopefully be ready for someone in 2 weeks. I cannot wait to get into the new house and paint Noah's nursery!
Women's Bible study has started back up and I LOVE studying Jonah with my group. The girls love playing with the other kids. Last week when I picked them up, their teacher told me that 5 kids had to go in time out, because they climbed up on the train table and jumped off onto a big bean bag, squishing each other and getting upset. It was, of course, my 2 little girls and 3 boys. :) They love to play with the boys. I was proud of them though, since they apologized to their teacher and promised never to do it again. I hope that means they are learning.
Eric's work is going great. He is staying busy, loves his job and his co-workers, and they got the company's certification this past week...woohoo!!
So for now, I will stick with a few pictures. After the move, I will try and update with more of the new house and Noah's room.
Here is the big belly at 23 weeks. I am now 24 weeks as of today. Woohoo!

Lexi took a "fake" pony ride...
Then they had real pony rides...from left to right, we have Eric, Lexi on the back, then Lilly and Uncle Jason.
Lilly bug...

Ballet is still going great. They LOVE, LOVE, LOVE dancing and ask about it every day. I thought this picture of Lilly was sweet.
Last week was invite a friend week and the girls wanted their best friend, Kiley to join them. They had so much fun! We ran by Taco Bell before class and shared some tacos too.
After one of their dances, Lexi ran back to Lilly and just wrapped her arms around Lilly. It was super sweet!
We found this onesie for Noah at Old Navy. The girls call Eric "their Superman", so it was sort of a no-brainer that Noah wear this outfit.
I am really going to try not to stress out with this move...until later!
Lexi had some bad dreams during naptime one day, so I put her in bed with me, and she slept another hour. I love those sleepy, precious faces.

1 comment:
Congrats on baby Noah! I'm so happy for you :)
PS The girls are adorable!
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