I found a fun blog the other week and have already used some of her fun kid craft ideas.
One Saturday morning, the girls were starting to get on each others nerves (such drama queens!), so I grabbed the pipe cleaners and we had some fun. I made them for the most part, but they enjoyed putting them on and posing for Daddy and the camera. We even made some for our friends and took them over.
Lilly bug...


Eric is the best Dad and sport ever!

Oh, and did I mention that Sneezy is a pretty good dog to put up with us? :)

I have also been making some new headbands for them. They don't like to leave anything in their hair for long, but headbands seem to be the current favorite. The girls love standing up on the fireplace to model new stuff, whether headbands or winter boots.

They have also developed a love of my camera. Lexi asks almost every day if she can take a picture for me. I put the strap around her neck and help her hold it while she points and takes the picture. She took this one of Lilly the other day...not too bad.

But of course, if Lexi poses for Lilly, she has to make a "funny face". She is my child, isn't she?

As much as I prefer some things to the
drama of the three year old, it is tons of fun to see them want to listen to a particular song so they can dance, ask to wear fancy dresses every single day, try to learn to be mini adults, and thrive just being their own little selves.
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