So Eric is a college student, and today, he had his first test of the semester. It was in political science and anyone knowing Eric, knows that he knows a lot about and loves this subject. I bet he did really well, but he was nervous. It is one of those classes where they don't really give you a clear idea what might be on a test. I have had my share of those.
Lilly must have spit up on herself during the night because this morning I found the skin under her chin was kind of irritated. So, we put some ointment on it and she already looks better. Both of the girls have been doing their new favorite activity...smiling and laughing at the ceiling fans!! It is pretty priceless. Yesterday, the fan was off and Lilly kept looking at it as if to tell it to move and then would still laugh.
The dogs are doing well and I am just still going about my day....playing with the girls, feeding the girls, burping and changing the girls, cooking meals, and trying to keep some semblance of a clean house! It's been a great day!! :) :)
The photo of the two girls on the blanket looks like you had only one REAL girl, but photoshopped a second into the photo beside her!
Sweet kiddos.
Hope Eric did well!
Ha ha! Yeah, there is only one shoe too! Can't you tell they are wearing different colored onesies? Gosh, Dad! :)
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