Saturday, December 6, 2008

Photos at Sears

Well, we got the girls' first professional photos done and it was quite the experience. First of all, I hate the prices at those places. You just want great pictures of your children, not to sign your life and hard-earned money away. Second, by the time we got back there to take the pictures, we had been there an hour and a half and the girls were getting hungry and fussy. Plus, it was just too hot in that place.

But after all is said and done, the girls were cheerful and the pictures turned out so super cute!! We ordered some for relatives and such, but we also got the CD of digital images with a copyright release...yea for that!! Here are just 3 of the adorable images that were captured. I did not post any of the poses that were ordered because I still want it to be a surprise for some of the ones getting pictures.

These 3 pictures make me laugh because you can see the progression of Lilly falling over. She does great on tummy time, but now sees it only as an opportunity to roll over to her back. So we kept sitting her back up and she continued to roll to her back, like it was her favorite little game. It was pretty cute!! Lexi had a great smile at the beginning but it slipped away as Lilly kept being silly. :)

Ahhh, my little girls! What delights you both are...

1 comment:

Nana Epps said...

I love how Lilly's lower lip is stuck out in the family pic.