Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tooth Trouble

Lexi's 2nd tooth is coming through...with TONS more pain than that first tooth!! The first tooth came in as one corner first with the rest easing in later. This tooth is coming up all at once. She just stares at you while tears STREAM down her face and she screams. Last night nothing made her feel better, not even Orajel. Eric and I sang to her and walked her around the living room. We tried her favorite teddy bear, a teething toy, and even a pacifier (which she usually hates). She finally nursed a little more and then finally whimpered herself to sleep.

Now her nose is running again. I feel so bad for her and wish I could wipe her tears away and make her feel better. Of course, it is even more complicated with 2 babies...every time Lexi woke up screaming, Lilly would wake up and cry to be held. So I just had 1 super strong cup of coffee and hope to have a little bit of calm while they take a nap.

Update on Lilly: She is trying soooooo hard to stand up unassisted! She pulls herself up on something and then lets go and balances. She is getting good at it too...between 1 and 2 seconds each time!!

Eric just finished his final english paper and submitted it. YEA!! I think we will stay in today and relax. If it doesn't rain, Eric is going to cook some bratwurst on the grill for dinner, although I kind of want tacos in honor of Cinco de Mayo. :) Maybe we'll have tacos tomorrow. :)

I hope you all have a great day!!


Unknown said...

It's those sleepless nights walking the floor with a crying baby that earn you admission into the "inner circle" of parent-dom. Congratulations!

Laura said...

So sorry, I feel your pain. Maddie went through that about a month ago. When it got bad we alternated motrin and tylenol every 3 hours, recommended by dr. riser, that seemed to help alot at night!