Everyone is feeling great again! The girls started acting like themselves again around Wednesday. We have stayed in a lot since it is 105 degrees outside according to our thermometers...yikes!! If I can get the girls out to their swing before 9:30 am, we can usually stand the heat long enough to swing for a while. :) Other than that, we read tons of books, watch a few minutes of Sesame Street (every once in while, of course), and play with
all our cool toys.
We have a dress-up, ballet outfit on loan from our friend Jessica and the girls weren't sure what to think of it yesterday...Miss Lexi sure can point her toes like a dancer though! :)

Lilly thought it was funny...

until she realized her Daddy was in his office and had closed the door on her...what nerve!!
After looking under the door, she sat up and yelled for him. :)

We are now in the full swing of the weaning process. I am down to nursing twice a day and so far we are all doing fine. Here are the girls showing off their sippy cup skills. They LOVE whole milk and go nuts when they see me pouring it into their cups. Here is Lexi...

What a cute little mess...
The girls also like nothing more than to drink out of a cup with a straw. They have been doing this for a couple months now and think it is so much fun. Here is Miss Lilly drinking her Pedialyte while she was sick.

Then the other day, I was putting away a new package of diapers. Lilly grabbed one and was examining it sooooo closely. So I put it together for her, and held it up showing her how it went on her little toosh. When she leaned down to look in, and I stuck it on her head. Her reaction was the funniest thing I have ever seen. She was off...with it on her head...cracking up!! Then I was laughing so hard...it was contagious!!
She crawled all over the room, just laughing and smiling at me!! I adore her little laugh!! So here is one of the pictures she will hate me over when she grows up...they were playing the drums. :)

Last but not least, today the girls were feeling especially good, so I put clips in their hair. Here is how the conversation went...
Mommy - Hey Lilly, will you smile for Mommy? Come on, say cheese!! Pose for Mommy!! :)
Mommy - Awww, Lilly! Did you find your clip? What!! You don't like it and don't want to wear it?
Mommy - You would rather wear your new tutu on your head? You are such a stinker!! :)

Mommy - Lexi, are you going to pose too? First, can Mommy have her phone back? Last time you slobbered in it, we had to dry out the battery for a whole day before it would work again...remember that, honey bear? :) Your eyes sure do look big and blue right now!

And now the girls are sleeping soundly...what a good week!!
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