Let's start off with this cute little face, shall we? :) Lilly has been such a "ham" lately and it's adorable. I told her I was gonna give her a kiss and this is the face she made.

And don't you just love getting the perfect picture when you weren't trying to get it...Miss Lexi was playing with her storage toy when I got this one.

Now, Lilly has also been extra, super giggly the last week or so. She gets in these moods where she runs all over the house doing this goofy laugh and smiling from ear to ear. I have gotten some classic pics of her as well. Here are a few...

See? I just wanna scoop her up and never let her go...

And last, but ABSOLUTELY, not least...I got some sweet pictures of Alexis and her puppies the other morning while she was still in her pajamas. She just wanted to snuggle with them so bad. She carried her blanket and teddy bear around from couch to couch, trying to sit with them. :)

Toby was wary of her getting too close but she did it so slowly and sweetly that he realized he would be okay and just went back to sleep beside her.
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