We took the girls down the road the other day to the Harker Heights Pumpkin Patch. It was a gorgeous day and we thought it would be fun to let the girls RUN, RUN, and RUN some more. :) Lexi was more calm, which is becoming her new thing, while Lilly went nuts. She picked her tiny little pumpkin (or gourd...we're not sure!) and carried it around with her the whole time.
I just love fall days with sunshine and a breeze, don't you? Here are the girls in a wheelbarrow like last year, although last year they both smiled at the camera.

Lilly talked to and giggled at the scarecrow.

Lexi wanted to help me carry the pumpkin we were going to buy. She kept dropping it and saying, "Ohhhh!"

This was the scene most of the time we were there...a little baby running off into the pumpkins. This is Lilly...

She found it!!! Her perfect pumpkin...

Lexi went to say hi to all the scarecrows...

Well, 1 picture with their fall bows was good. :) At least Lexi looked at her Daddy!

"Mommy!! Look at all these cute pumpkins!" - Lilly

And lastly, we have ONE of Lilly's new things...She woke up one night around 11:30 pm so I brought her into our room to snuggle for a while. She was super groggy at first, but I told her she was funny from something she did and this is the face she then proceeded to give me. Now, if we tell her she is funny, she gives us a huge, goofy smile! I love it!

Have a great Wednesday!
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