Today has been quite an interesting day. The girls got over their colds and went straight into nasal drainage and congestion, which we think and hope is related to the giant molars about to pop out of their gums. So Lexi woke us up at 6 am this morning, crying with a stuffed up nose. I gave her a little benadryl and she stayed up with us in our bed without relief. That was too early for me...
Then after we all took a nap this afternoon, we discovered that our dog Sneezy was sick...and sick enough to warrant an emergency, after-hours clinic visit. Hours later with the credit card swiped, we all made it home with some dinner.
Now Lexi and Lilly are both talking up a storm these days. I feel like every time I say that, they take it to the next level. Lexi likes to copy almost anything we say. The other night at dinner, she popped out with "hibachi" after Eric said it. She also said vegetables the other day.
Her favorite words today have been surprise and Elmo. But when the girls were in the tub tonight, Lexi copied me with this phrase..."Ohhh, Honey!!" Eric and I died laughing. She had the exact same voice and everything. She said it crystal clear and it was the cutest darn thing ever. Then Lilly started saying, "oh, Hon!"
I have been keeping a long list of the words they say every day but am losing track some days. I just can't keep up. I wrote down about 10 new words the other day from Lexi.
This week, they have been brushing Daddy's hair a lot. Eric is a good Daddy! :)
1 comment:
Hi there. I found your blog through Laura Bersoza's blog. I remember reading a while back about breast milk donation. Can you please send me the information on that? My email is
Thank you,
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