Are the girls getting a bit more settled in? Are they throwing less crazy fits and starting to act more like their happy selves? YES!!!! Praise God!! Otherwise, Mommy and Daddy were going to lose their minds. Here's just a little proof for you too...
Lilly-Bug hanging out before grocery shopping...

Lexi showing me her "cheese" smile!!

Yesterday we went to the Fire Museum in Beaumont. It was really cool, and
way more kid friendly than we had thought it would be...if you're ever in the area, go check it out! They have a GIANT fire hydrant out front that is painted like a dalmation....see! The girls loved it!

Inside, they had kid-sized fireman uniforms with a fire truck simulator you could climb in and play on. The girls were SO excited about their uniforms for about 10 seconds BUT then they saw...a goldfish!!

Their favorite part of the whole museum...the fish!

Too cute!

Lexi driving a fire truck...

Lilly wanted to help out!

Some of the museum...

The playhouse for the kids...They could read all about how to keep your house safe and minimize fire risks. They also learned how to stop, drop, and roll!

I like this looks like Eric is keeping Smokey the Bear from getting Lexi. :)What a good Daddy!
I think they had fun. What do you think? :)

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