Well we arrived! I am currently sitting on our new couch in the tiny living room in Beaumont. It has been super rough so far...you know, something about toddlers not napping OR sleeping at night, plus all the teething and tantrums. But I want to remember the happy stuff more than the grumpy moments, so here are some...
Before we left, the girls spent a lot of time reading books with Daddy so I could clean and pack.
Now for the Beaumont/Nederland part of this post. We got here Thursday evening, after a LONG drive with a barfy dog and bored babies. Poor Sneezy was even on a sedative for nerves and still got car sick. :(
We got dinner out and a few groceries. Then after 2 hours fighting with the kiddos, they finally crashed. They didn't understand why they were sleeping a weird place on an air mattress. Then they would have excited moments where all they would scream is "Mommy, our NEW apartment!" It was just so much new stuff and they were excited and cranky at the same time.
Eric and I were woken up at 5:54 am the next morning by two giggly girls ready for the day. :( I was not at all ready to get up! So here we were on a Friday morning, awake with tons to do. We shared some muffins and milk, then headed out to Wal-Mart for all our needed items.
The girls were good...mostly cause they fell asleep in their stroller. After coming home, we played for a while and tried to get things organized and cleaned up a little more. I started the laundry. Then we made a quick lunch and headed out for some exploring. The girls fell asleep again in the car, so we just drove for a couple of hours. Eric ran into the visitor's center to get brochures on all the cool things we could do this summer.
The girls didn't go to sleep any easier that second night, but we started trying earlier this time, so they were out by 9:30 instead of 11 pm. That helped a little when they got up on Saturday at 6:30 am!
On Saturday, we met up with my friend Kristin, who's parents live in the area. She comes to visit them a lot with her little boy, Garrett. This is wonderful cause I have been wanting to hang out more with her anyway in Killeen, and the girls LOVE Garrett! We met them at a mall play center across from our apartment complex.
This sweet, sweet older man bought us both bags of cookies for our kids. It was such a precious and kind gesture. He was one of the grandpa mall walkers and the Great Cookie Company has discounted cookies for sale in the mornings. Oh my, they were soooooo good! What a wonderful treat.
Afterwards, we went to the Beaumont Botanical Gardens to look around and enjoy some outdoor time. It was SUPER hot for 10 in the morning. The girls got grumpy in the heat and Lilly was sobbing when we left because she couldn't find any ladybugs...what was that about? :)
We did manage to take some cute pictures at the botanical gardens. Lilly even posed for me!
The kitchen with laundry room doors at the back...
Our living room with the tired residents in it....the toddlers and their Daddy!
The little dining room...
And if you are wondering how the dogs are liking it, just see the pictures below. I believe they are pretty comfortable. Although they are barking too much and hate walking on a leash. They will get used to it by the time we move back home.

And after 2 nights of upset toddlers not understanding why they were sleeping in the living room, we bought some bed rails and moved them into the bedroom. Eric and I REALLY need our sleep and would rather us sleep on an air mattress all summer, than fight with the grumpy girls. So here they were on their first night having the master bedroom. They were pretty comfortable, but still took about 2-3 hours to get tired enough to crash. I am just thankful that Eric doesn't start school until Thursday. I really need his help with all the drama. And poor Lexi is now getting her 2 year molars. Ahhhh! Mommy is going to need a vacation after this summer, that's for sure!

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