Eric really wanted to go see a Houston Astros game while we lived down here, so we got tickets for this past Sunday. They were playing the Cardinals, which is not only a great team, but is the home of Albert Pujols. Now, I don't care too much about sports, but I enjoy watching some things in person. I like baseball games, and have heard about the Cardinals and good ole Albert for years now.
We decided to make a day of it. We had a nice breakfast at home and then headed out around 9. We decided that since we were driving right by it, we should go check out the San Jacinto Monument. I knew Eric would like it since this monument celebrates a great victory in Texas history. This was where the major battle was that gave Texans our independence...kind of a big deal!
Plus this monument is 15 feet taller than the Washington Monument. It was really tall. Not a bad thing to go see when it's hot outside.

So's hard to see in any of my pictures, but the top has a cool star on it. It was designed where you can see 5 points no matter which direction you look at it from...

Sam Houston himself...

Now, as it turns out, I took a LOT of pictures of guns and knives. I guess when you have my Dad, and husband, you know what they would want to see...Dad, I will send you a large email soon. I took some close-ups of guns with beautifully carved handles JUST for you.

Go Texas!

When I tried to pose with the girls for pictures, they knocked me down. So we just all sat together for a few shots...

The Battleship Texas is located across the street too. I don't know all the history on this ship, but googled it quickly. It was pretty cool. Once again, I took pictures of all the large guns for Eric. :) He loved it!

My cuties decided to walk ahead of us, holding hands!!

Then we made it to downtown Houston for the afternoon game. First, we stopped at Wendy's for some lunch so the girls were full and happy!
Here is the stadium...

Now, we have a LONG zoom on our camera, since Eric bought it for his investigations work. The zoom came in handy for photographing license plates from far off. :) This zoom just meant I could take some fun pictures of the ball players from our seats. Here is Jason Castro practicing before the game...

Go Albert!! I mean, Astros! :) He he!

The dude stretching is a native Waco guy...Lance Berkman.

Albert again...

Eric was so excited that you could even see his goatee! Ha!

The awesome air-conditioned stadium...

The girls were sooooo excited that they got a free puppy for going to the was even wearing an Astros scarf.

Lexi checking it out...

Lilly bug...she has a HUGE scratch down her left cheek from Lexi's fingers. However, I edited it out in a few pictures because it was so sad looking.

Watching some baseball...

Lexi got scared and cried every time the fans got loud...I love the way she snuggled with me and her new "baseball puppy", as they call it.

She looks too grown-up in this one...


By the bottom of the 8th, they were both sound asleep in our laps!

It was a fun day!
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