Monday, August 30, 2010

Day at the Grandparents

We hadn't seen my Dad and Debbie for a while, so we packed up the girls on Saturday to head to Dallas. We had such a FUN time! The girls were content to run up and down the stairs and get into everything they shouldn't. But then they got the tricycles out! The girls are super hooked!! Christmas present idea received....

They both stared at their feet but wouldn't steer. It was funny watching them go straight into the bushes or make Papa walk in circles. :)

Papa and Lilly
Lexi riding with Papa's help.
Both on the move! Watch out world!
Lexi was in pink...

Afterwards we went to the backyard. The girls LOVED everything back there, from the plants, to the birds, to the big deck. They LOVED playing back there.

Here was a favorite...swinging!
Anything involving water is fun!
The girls had fun sticking their bottoms into the stream of water...
Then Nana had a great idea...pull out the wash tub and let the girls play in the water. I had swimsuits for them, but we just went with swim diapers instead. They're kids, why not!

Papa spraying Lilly. :)
It doesn't really look like it, but this is the face of a little girl giving a happy shout!
Lexi got comfortable!
Then they decided to share a little bit...
This is my favorite one...Lexi had just said, "We're twins!"
Make a funny face, Lexi!

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