I have been a little stressed out and intimidated about potty training, because my two little ones are on such different pages when it comes to that potty. It's something about identical twins...when they were first born, Eric and I wanted to make sure we treated them both the same, because after-all, we didn't want to play favorites with our children. It wasn't like we saw them as the same. We realized from the womb that they had very different personalities and ways of reacting to the world. It is just sometimes weird for us to realize that we can do different things with one and not be showing favoritism. They are the same age, have the same two-year old quirks, and are typically into the same things.
As I was walking with my friend the other morning and discussing my struggles with potty training BOTH of them at the same time, while one was willing and the other not-so-much, it clicked that I was allowed to potty train just one right now. I was not a bad mother for waiting a little longer to train Lexi. She has no interest right now and that's ok. Lilly really wanted to potty train, so why shouldn't we?
Now this may seem like a silly thing to worry about or think SO much about, but it happens. :) I love my girls the same...SO MUCH!!! I didn't want to make Lexi feel bad about not getting the attention. But guess what? It has been great!! Lilly didn't have a single accident today, which included going to the women's Bible study this morning and playing at church for 3 hours with her friends. She wore the same adorable little pair of Snow White panties all day without a problem. Eric was SHOCKED! It was so funny to see his reaction when we got home from church.
So after dinner tonight I took Lilly on a date to WalMart. She picked out some new panties (and was SUPER particular about the ones she wanted too), and we got a little ice cream to share. We had a blast together! I even let her pick out a cute little shirt for her and Lexi. When we got home, she went running into the garage screaming, "Look, Daddy! I got princess panties and a cute shirt for my Lexa!!"
Lexi got to put on her jammies with Daddy and color a picture for Lilly and I. She has been having fun cheering Lilly on. She gives Lilly hugs while she is on the potty and tells her she is so proud of her. It is super cute!
Anyways, it may be a silly thing to have worried over, but I am so relieved that not only is my Lilly potty training so well, but that Lexi still knows that we love her so much. She will potty train when she is ready. Until then, I will keep loving her as my little Lexi bear. I couldn't ask for better kids. I just love them to pieces!
My Potty Training Pro...

From my experience with siblings, having a role model might be beneficial for Lexi when she is ready. And they are all different and ready at different times. Some potty train themselves, like my Genevieve, and others need some more motivation and help, like my Hannah. Isaac is so not ready yet and both of the girls were potty trained by his current age. So we wait. :) Tell Lexi she has an anti-potty buddy.
way to go lilly. lexie will train when she is ready. they are both so sweet and so cute!!!
that was me don't know what i did to be anonymous!!!
still anonymouse!!!
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