Time flies when you are having fun...and have three littles. :) These are just some pictures that I love.
He is not a fan of the bumbo yet, but he smiled for me...

Being cute!

My three crazy kids...

His shirt says it all.

I promise that Eric was just out of the camera view but there. We did not set him on the bed in the bumbo and walk away. I just like how much he looks like his daddy in this picture.


He likes looking at himself in the phone. I like taking his picture. It all works out. :)

Us minus one...

He had his first zoo trip. He slept through the majority of it, but when he woke up to eat, he was so happy and excited. It was the first time he had been in his stroller without being in the car seat.

My girls!

Before his two month old appointment...

My glamour girls/divas...

Once again, falling asleep during tummy time...

Precious boy getting ready for bed...

Enjoying a beautiful spring day shaded by a blanket...

My handsome!

Laughing at Daddy...

Resting with Daddy...

The kids got hair cuts...

I refuse to call this his first hair cut. It will be referred to as his first "mini-trim" because he just the hair cut off so it didn't hang over his ears and form a rat-tail in the back.

I love these kids!!
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