Lilly Anne
14 lbs, 13 ozs
25.75 in. long
head measured 43 cm
Alexis Kathryn
15 lbs, 6 ozs
26.25 in. long
head measured 42.5 cm
Now if you remember, at birth Lilly weighed less, was a half inch longer, and had a smaller head. They are growing so well. We were given the gift of 1-2 size diapers when the girls were born. We had this giant box of them. About 10 days ago the girls finally fit into them. Well, today we bought size 2 diapers, since we may fit into that size before using up the smaller size. It seems like it took forever to grow out of preemie diapers and then grow out of the newborn size. Now we are just catching up sooooo fast! When they were still in the hospital, we told them all they needed to do was eat, grow, and let us love them. I think they listened!! :)
The seem to be completely caught up on development too. I realize that they were only a few weeks early, but it is good to see them sitting up fairly well, rolling over time and time again, and trying to crawl.
Lexi wants to move and crawl and fights sleep during the day. Lilly loves to suck her thumb, which puts her to sleep (anytime) and while she likes to move and keep up with her sister, she seems to prefer to be calmer and just look pretty. She flirts with her daddy a LOT!! Lexi is louder and more vocal most days. I am just so excited to keep watching them grow and change!

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