Monday, December 29, 2008


The girls have been doing so well with their new foods. We started off slow with the rice cereal once a day and moved up to oatmeal cereal. When their tummies were used to that, we introduced vegetables....that was today, my friends! Today at lunch, we got out the squash...and it wasn't all that bad. They did make some funny faces, but the mouths still came open for the second and third spoonfuls and so on. We were impressed. They ate a decent amount and we kept encouraging them by saying, "Yummmmm!! Squash and vegetables are yummy!" That got a few smiles!

Here is Lilly flirting with a messy face...

Now for Lexi's little adventure...

1 comment:

Epps said...

Congratulations on your two(apparently)happily omnivorous daughters! Both Lexi and Lilly appear to find adornment with squash quite fetching...