So my cell phone met an untimely demise...thanks to a little girl's donation of drool! Let's hope the cell phone company doesn't charge me for this new one. :) But I have had this phone since the twins were 2 months old. I had tons of pictures on it and was forced to pick the best ones to save. I sent Eric the ones I couldn't live without and wanted to share. Some of them are so stinkin' cute and have not ever been seen by very many people....such a shame! :) :)


Lexi is closer...this was around 9 am. I would get the girls up and feed them. Then play with them on my bed until they fell asleep. Then I would usually lay there and watch them sleep. :) Great memories!


Lexi then Lilly...passed out with Daddy on the bed!

In the bright fall sunlight...Lexi then Lilly!

The first trip to Petco...Lilly slept through it and here is Lexi discovering birds!

Lexi...I miss those chubby cheeks!

Crazy-haired Lexi

Lilly in the car...

From June...the first wagon ride! (Lexi)

Summer girls...Lilly then Lexi

The first trip in front-facing car seats....Miss Lilly!
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