I can't believe my girls are already 15 months old today AND that Eric and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary yesterday!! Wow, have we been busy the past 2 years! I think it actually feels more like 4 because we have had so much go on...but it has been GREAT stuff and we wouldn't change a thing. At least, that is, if Eric gets a nap today...otherwise, watch out! :) He he he!
I figured I would share some pictures of the babies from September of last year, when the girls were 3 months old. Here they are all dressed up to go meet my old co-workers from the City of Waco and attend their first baby shower. Lexi is on the left and was at this point, the more timid baby. They were both okay with strangers but Lilly was WAY more outgoing. Now it is more the opposite.

Then we fast forward a year...I attempted to get the same picture today by pulling out their tummy time mat. I was shocked at how they acted like I had just brought back an old friend. I didn't even have to work for these photos. :) And yes, Lexi is in the yellow again (so did not plan that, but love it!!)
See how in love they are with it? Lexi missed her giraffe soooooo much and kept hugging him tight!! I ADORE this picture! Look at her little chin!!
The girls got their first balloons from HEB yesterday and LOVED them!! Of course, after a while, Lilly threw a fit when the balloon wouldn't sit still and she so desperately wanted to hug it tight...and I mean a REAL fit, screaming on the floor and everything!
What are my girlie-girls up to these days?
- They like to copy a lot of things we say and do. Lexi copies my sneeze, even sometimes putting her dress over her mouth.
- They walk around in circles and ALL over the place. They walk so quickly that it looks like they are running.
- They are starting to dance and be silly while walking, and not having to concentrate on their balance as much. They can carry semi-heavy items in both hands while walking.
- The tantrums have started, but thankfully only when they are in need of a nap or teething. We are working on teaching them a different way to act. :) The funniest one was when Lilly got mad and threw spaghetti at her sister's head.
- They are starting to like silverware and do not just chunk their spoons on the floor anymore.
- The words are coming fast and furious...I lost count as to what they can say now. Plus, they always seem to have a favorite word of the week and not say a lot else, although they can say more.
- They argue and fight over toys...especially all things furry and fuzzy!
- They play together a lot and I am able to sit back a little more often and watch. I gotta admit though, I still like to get down on the floor and read them books and teach them things.
- They are LOVING their Daddy and sometimes have days when all they want is to sit in his lap. Then as soon as I leave, they want me.
- I cannot eat anything without them coming to find me and see if they can have a bite.
- They are GREAT eaters! We still make an effort to eat our proteins, dairy, veggies, and fruits every day. I really want to embrace the fact that they love food and are not yet picky to introduce them to as much variety as I can. This week we tried grape tomatoes and salmon. I got several, "Yum's!" I eat healthier now b/c of them. :)
- They give kisses A LOT!! Lexi kisses everything in her books and Lilly just blows kisses to everything. I think she blew the tree a kiss yesterday.
- Lexi is suddenly putting things back that I get out...which means that as soon as I pull a shoe out to put on her, she puts it back. :) Gotta love it!
I am sure there is more, but I am tired and gotta get going. They are the best babies ever and we are so blessed to have them!! I love having two babies at the same time and just can't imagine what life would be like with one. :)
I can't wait to see what they are like over the next 15 months and 15 years!! Here they are today, smiling and being sweet!
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