I just ABSOLUTELY LOVE being a mom! Who could not love this job?!!! Even on days like yesterday when I had 2 cranky little girls who were pushing each other, biting me, and doing everything I said not to while giving me "the eye", I wouldn't trade it for the world! I still missed them 5 minutes after putting them in their cribs and couldn't wait until I heard their little voices this morning so I could get them up and snuggle them close. :)
I have been packing away tons of baby clothes, and finally cleaned out their purple toy bucket that had been full of newborn clothes. I brought it into the living room and threw all their stuffed animals and blankets in it. Then I piled them in....I had my own basket of babies!! He he he!! We had a lot of fun throughout the afternoon. Lilly is in the overalls.
We also took a nice walk in the cool morning air on Tuesday. I put the girls in 2 adorable little jackets I got on craigslist. The problem is that they BOTH like the furry one. :) They pat it like a little dog and hug the furry part. It's hilarious! So here is Lilly after our walk....see Lexi behind her?
Wait for it...And Lexi tackles her Lilly!!! Boom, down she goes.
My little thug celebrating her successful coat theft...
I've also been working on another project...I am totally in love with "Baby Legs". They are basically leg warmers for babies and toddlers. But they are 8-10 dollars each and since I have twins, I just can't spend $20 a pop on cute stuff. Plus I want almost every pair they make. :)
So I made my own. I bought some cute over-the-knee socks for women at Wal-Mart. They cost $3. I cut off the footed part and voila!! I am still working on making them look professional, but Lilly likes them anyway.
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