Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Our New Addition

The girls have so much stuff and I was dying to store things away cutely! So I went and got this the day after Christmas when it became apparent that my house was going to be a black hole of toddler toys and dolls unless I did something. We are very pleased with it. It will be a nice addition for years to come and can store all kinds of stuff.

The girls cry for us to get them their blocks out every day. I put those into one of the pink bins so that they are stored away easily but the girls can get them out without our help. They are learning to put things away now, which helps a lot. Two little girls in one room can get kind of crazy!

Also notice the moon on the wall...up above the hat and purse rack. This is so cute and it's the girls favorite thing. I told ya'll a few weeks back about the way the girls love the moon! This moon has a remote and will light up with all the phases of the moon, either automatically or manually. It turns off after 30 minutes so we use it like a night light until the girls fall asleep.


Amber said...

OMG. . .i love that storage idea!! And your so smart about making it easy for the girls to pull out on their own :)

Melissa said...

great storage unit! i love the moon, did you get it at walmart? We were there the day after Christmas and I happened to see that. I thought it was such a great idea!! I bet the girls love it.

Amy said...

very cute! I love it!