I was in full-blown packing mood when the girls turned 18 months old and I didn't get any pictures of them. However, when I tried to take pictures of them together when they turned 19 months old, I realized why it may have been a good thing I didn't try at 18 months. They are just not willing to sit still these days. I love it, but it just makes for interesting photo moments. :) See my first attempt....
Hey stinker, how cute are you? :)
Okay, so what are these goobers up to at 19 months? I feel like they are into everything and are my little learning machines!! I am beyond impressed with how sweet and smart and funny they are. They both talk ALL the time. They love to scream, laugh, tickle, chase, and play "Boo" with each other. They still fight over stuff, but they are such sweet sisters and love being together. Every night before bed, they kiss each other FIRST, then Mommy and Daddy! They usually start giggling when they kiss each other too. It makes me so happy! I am amazed at the intensity of their love for each other. They are best friends and even hold hands across the highchairs sometimes when they eat lunch.
I took Lexi with me to the store the other night to get 2 little things we needed and she cried for Lilly almost the whole way to the store. I had to tell her how she was getting one on one Mommy time and we would see Lilly in a few minutes. It was really sweet.
Here are a few things about them individually.
- Loves her "sheepy". You will see this sheep in a lot of pictures. She will completely fall apart if you take it away. The fur is falling out and the music box inside is broken. :)
- She calls animal crackers, "baby quackers".
- She tells herself, "Bless you, honey!" when she sneezes...and everyone else too.
- She has a harder time teething than Lilly and seems to wake up a lot in the night when she is getting a tooth.
- We call her Destructor b/c she loves to throw toys and toss things around roughly. She just gets excited by the noise and craziness.
- She adores being outside and will now throw herself to the ground screaming when it is time to go inside. We have to carry her inside while she throws a royal fit. :) Thankfully, she is starting to understand the explanation of going back out later and being a sweet girl for Mommy.
- She loves animals and will do her animal noises ALL DAY LONG. She loves making the noise of a horse, pig, sheep, goat, cow, frog, bird, cat, dog, donkey, mouse, cricket, monkey, rooster, chicken, baby chicks, duck, bees, lion, tiger, and goose.
- She likes to watch big kids play and will follow them around on the playground cheering for them when they do things.
- She loves people and will flirt with everyone.
- She still loves to run to us and say, "Mommy/Daddy, hold you!"
- She will run to the kitchen when she wants something and tell you what she wants. It is usually water or milk.
- She still eats most everything but has her picky moments. She loves her peas and adores the sight of bread. She calls for crescent rolls by name.
- She loves to play boo and giggle.
- Loves to snuggle and suck her thumb. She is super mellow but has her bursts of energy where she goes 100 miles an hour before crashing.
- She will lay in your lap for hours and rub on our arm, just staring into our eyes.
- Her pronunciation is getting better every day. She still loves to make all her animal sounds and favors the lion.
- If there is something she wants, she will take my hand and lead me to it.
- She would wear only her fleece pajamas all day, every day, if we let her.
- She can open doors. I was in the bathroom with 3 year old Annalise the other day, and suddenly Lilly opened the door and came in smiling.
- She could sit in my lap and read a book all day.
- She adores Elmo.
- She has 4 teeth coming in right now, including 2 molars and seems pretty good about it.
- She really loves to flirt with little boys. I am nervous about this one.
- She will eat anything and lots of it.
- She sings Moon, Moon, Moon by Laurie Berkner and I think it's her favorite right now.
- She dances like crazy to Eric's ringtone. The goofy one from the Geico commercials.
I am sure there is tons more, but it took me 7 days to get back to writing this post. So for now, I am going to publish it. I'm sure I will talk about the girls enough in later sagas.
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