Tuesday, January 5, 2010


What else are we up to these days? Well, teething seems to be a constant thing around here. The twins like to play all day. Last night they ran around in their diapers playing ball with each other and collapsing on the floor with laughter. I grabbed myself a front row seat and enjoyed the show. Lexi has been practicing her accessorizing and her hilarious parrot-copying skills. She continually surprises and amazes us. Isn't she looking like a big kid these days?

Lilly loves to snuggle, even with her doggies. Toby walked by her the other day and they just checked each other out for a while.
Lexi can still be mischievous and adventurous, but it is all part of her charm.
Lilly likes to bring us the mail...after taking it off of the table we placed it on.
And I just love the occasional fountain of hair that I get when putting their hair up. I hate to think about trimming it, but unless it is pulled up, it hangs in their faces. And yes, they still hate to have their hair up.
Happy Tuesday everyone!

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