I laid the girls down for a nap the other day and expected the same thing that always happens...The girls falls asleep after about 5-10 minutes of laughter and talking, and then sleep for 1.5-3 hours.
This is what I never expected to have happen....
Lexi continued talking and screaming loudly for ~45 minutes. Then, the Fed-Ex guy rings the doorbell and it wakes Lilly up when the dogs start barking. We decided to leave them in their cribs for a while longer to see if they would go back to sleep (or to sleep at all, in Lexi's case). Eric and I were putting together a powerpoint presentation for one of his classes on my laptop in our room, and after another 25 minutes or so, we were going to get them up. That is about the time everything went nuts.
We heard them laughing and talking but they still seemed okay. All of a sudden, with the same exact voice inflection and at the exact same time, we hear TWO little voices say, "UH-OH!!" Next thing you hear is a loud, full-body force, THUMP!!
Then those same two little voices started crying and screaming hysterically. It was the cry of "someone is hurt". I go tearing in there only to see Lexi sitting on her knees in the middle of the floor about 4 feet from her crib. Lilly is desperately trying to reach over her crib and help her sister. They both look terrified. I scoop Lexi up and am trying to see if there is any broken bones or cuts. Thankfully she was just scared out of her little mind.
Here's the extra sweet part....Eric gets Lilly up and the first thing she does is run across to lexi's crib and pull out "Sheepy" so she can give it to her sister for comfort. It was really precious. She couldn't quite get the sheep through the bars at first so Eric helped her. Lilly ran to Lexi and handed her sheepy. Then she bent down and gently patted Lexi's head and kissed her forehead. I was soooooo proud!!
Lexi did not get hurt this time...thank you, Jesus!!! But ready or not, we are getting up the toddler beds this weekend. My little babies are little girls now and it's going too fast. I had originally thought I might make them quilts for their toddler beds, but am short on extra time, plus wanted the most expensive material out there (Isn't that how it goes?) So we saw some very affordable bedding sets at Target that all 4 of us liked a lot. We nabbed them last weekend when they were on sale...good timing, huh? I had already put them in the closet to save for this summer.
We pulled out one of the quilts to let the girls check it out better. Here are my sweeties enjoying their new bedding. We'll post pics of the new room set-up after we get it done. :)
Peekaboo, Mommy!
1 comment:
I don't like it when one of our babies falls from her crib. Let's try to keep that from happening again.
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