Sunday, June 27, 2010


This week has been full of ups and downs. First of all, my sweet Aunt Barbara died this week unexpectedly. I will driving out to West Houston tomorrow morning for her funeral, and I am taking the girls by myself. That would normally make me really nervous, but my Dad will be there which is a huge help.

Then Saturday was our big family trip to Galveston. Since it isn't a long drive, we made it a day trip and I am so glad. I am not sure I could handle cleaning anymore sand out of shoes, floorboards, or diapers. I LOVE the ocean, but absolutely can't stand having sad in everything.

Our trip was a big success though. The girls were sooooooooo happy and everything went really smoothly. Eric and I even got to take a driving tour through the city looking at some very cool tree stump sculptures while the goobers napped in the backseat. I'll explain more about that later.

And lastly, I appear to be coming down with something. I hope it's minor, but what a time to feel lousy! So for tonight, I will leave you all with one of my favorite pictures from the trip and then plan to write more about it soon.

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