Even with medical and house dramas unfolding left and right, we still manage to have loads of fun around here. I don't know what I would do without this amazing little family I have! I took the girls to Sam's Club last weekend to get diapers and we just HAD to get this "cuddle roll" for them. It was not expensive and, the deciding factor...it is PURPLE!! They fought over it for a few days and I was about to return it when they started sharing it. Now, they sit like this on it...
It is in the "reading" corner. :)

The other morning before church, they looked SO grown up. I had never done their hair like that before and it was too cute. So I grabbed the camera...

I captured some sweet moments.
Muah! Love ya sis!

Lexi loves her babies. She takes them to see Dr. Riser every day to make them all better. :)

I like the way you can see Eric's hand in this picture and Lexi looking up SO high!

Lilly is getting good at silly faces in pictures!

They love to have giggle/tickle time. Here is Lexi getting tickled by Lilly...

Then squished by Lilly...

Snuggle, snuggle time...

More giggling and tickling...see a pattern yet?

And another kiss! They are really affectionate and sweet. :)

These are the moments that make all the cranky-two-year-old moments fade away! Thank goodness, huh?
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