Thursday, September 30, 2010


Thank you all for your prayers yesterday! The MRI went well as far as Lexi and the sedation were concerned. She did great and was told she was the best patient! She didn't flinch one bit for her IV. She stared down the nurse a little bit, but sat very still and held me and her sheepy. The nurse was wonderful and gave her all sorts of goodies. Lexi told me her wrapped up hand with the IV looked like a "cool little arm" and I should kiss it. The front desk ladies even changed the channel to cartoons for her since she had to wait a half hour with the IV in her hand. Overall, it went so well.

We will hopefully have the results soon too. An FYI side note though...for a mom who just held her dog as he was put to sleep a few weeks ago, holding your sweet angel as she falls asleep with anesthesia and starts the normal, jerky reactions, it is SO CREEPY!!! The doctor was standing there and assured me beforehand that she would do that and it was fine. I still freaked a little in my head though. :) God is good!

1 comment:

Kelle said...

Oh, I know! I totally cried when Isaac fell asleep under anesthesia to get his tubes. It was just sad.