Okay, here is what we did with Noah's nursery. We got it completely done with about 3 weeks to spare. I like the way it turned out and now that he is here, he LOVES the stars. Almost every time I change him on his changing pad, he smiles and stares at them from across the room. I think he approves. We bought his bedding at Target and decorated to match the blankets and sheets.
The wall color is Mid-Day Mocha and I love it. It does remind me of a hot, gorgeous cup of coffee. The view from the door...
Now, I did not take pictures of my belly every single week. Especially during the packing and moving period of the fall. That's okay though. I am pretty sure I got enough to show him one day how big I was with him in there. :)
I also left out some of the bare tummy pictures. I am just not sure those are blog appropriate. I was huge at the end. At 36 weeks, I measured 42 weeks. :) At this point, I got an extra ultrasound because we wanted to estimate his size. This was one of the factors that led to the c-section. Once a baby is over 8.5 pounds, a VBAC becomes more and more risky. At 36 weeks, by his body measurements, he was estimated to weigh 7.5 pounds, which was about 1-1.5 pounds more than the average baby at that gestation. His head measured 41 weeks in diameter and was above the 97th percentile. :) We knew he would be around 9 pounds if we let him go full term, and thus, decided for a 39 week c-section.
On that last ultrasound, we also saw the cause of my TERRIBLE heartburn...he had tons of hair. You could literally see the fuzzy stuff on the sonogram. :)
So without further ado, the growth of the Noah belly...
7 weeks

10 weeks

11 weeks

16 weeks
19 weeks
23 weeks

30 weeks
33 weeks
36 weeks
36.5 weeks

Lexi snuggling her baby brother, 37 weeks
38 weeks
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