Thursday, July 31, 2008

First Rant

I realize that all new moms feel this way, but doesn't make it any easier...Everyone keeps asking if I am sleeping when the babies sleep. The answer to that question is, "Are you kidding me? Of course not!" I was able to do that for the first few weeks off and on, but now there is just too much to do.

If I slept when they slept, I wouldn't get anything done. I wouldn't be able to cook meals, clean the bathrooms, vacuum the floors, catch up on laundry, feed the dogs, take an actual shower, the list goes on and on.

Eric and I feed the girls, and then during the day, we try and keep them awake to play for a little bit before napping. After that, I wash their bottles, pump for their next meal, and then if I am lucky, have an hour to do housework before they wake up again. Here lately, one baby tends to stay awake after a bottle for at least an hour and a half. Then as soon as I get that baby to sleep, the other one wakes up. Now don't get me wrong, I adore and LOVE my daughters, but I am just not sure how to get everything done. I find myself jealous of those of you with only 1 baby, but I wouldn't trade either one of these girls for the world. It just makes it a little more complicated and busy!

I am just frustrated today...I know I am a good mom, but I am also hard on myself. I want everything to be perfect and I am still catching up on home projects (slowly but surely) from when I was on bedrest. The two dogs make sure that I need to vacuum a lot and I am so tired!!

It's funny though...I am not frustrated with the babies or Eric or the dogs...I am just frustrated in general. I would love to sleep when they sleep and will sometimes try to do so. Last week, I laid down when they were asleep and got a whopping 15 minutes before Lilly woke up to play and snuggle!! :)

Oh well, I hear that the first few months are when you are in "survival mode"...thank goodness for others who have gone before me and the kind words they offer! It can only get better everyday. Plus, the girls are starting to sleep for 4-5 hours at a time every other night...maybe they love me after all! :) I hope you all are doing well. I acutally like doing this's stress relief! Take care and love you all!

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